mhSpy - MyHomeSpy

This software script runs by clicking ONE icon, or application, in a Mac computer to talk and help the user to find out the status of all devices in My Home different systems.  The software interacts whith the user, types the OWN commands for the user, sends commands to gateways and interpret their responses.  The software helps the user to understand the OWN language WHO, WHERE, and WHAT,  The software has the option of talking to the user making it a fun experience while using it.

  1. The user is guided to select and test gateways and systems (all WHOs),
  2. Select WHERE: Ambients and groups.
  3. Finally and quickly it counts  devices and it show their status.
  4. It requires almost no configuration and it remember the IP values after closing and opening the application.

When connected it discovers all switches,  except those that have been configured in PUL modality, and those that have been declared as PUL in the a gateway configuration.  It discovers the devices with group configurations. mhSpy is of great help to discover hidden switches that are never used, unknown group and pul configurations, imcomplete specifications in the gateway software.  Most people keep a written list of installed my home devices, and this software is a great way to check the accuracy of the list in minutes.

The software shows responses from  scenarios in the F420, lighting, automation, load control, temperature control, alarm, and scenarios in the MH200N energy management and dry contacts.  And it serves as auditing for my home systems by studying the gateways that provide diferent responses to the same command.

To use this software it is not required to know in advance the OWN protocol, but just trying the software it is easy to understand the commands and the responses.  Run the test, turn ON some light, and re-run the test and you will notice the differences in the responses.

If you have a mac, download mhSpy from this link mhSpy , or from the top of next post, and in short time you will auditing your OWN My Home.

After downloading the software, you may place it in your desktop, application folder, or even better in the iCloud.  I use that allows the download of software from the cloud on any mac..



© Andres Albanese 2012